MASHA Fall 2007 season to start NEXT Sunday Sept. 9th at SJS/Kudzu rink in Doraville!

Thanks to ALOT of hard work by Greg Wirth and the superior negotiating skills of Jeff Pare,
MASHA streethockey's Sunday League is BACK at our OLD home, the SJS/Kudzu rink on Northcrest Rd. in Doraville, Ga. just off 285 and 85!
The season begins NEXT Sunday Sept. 9th with our regular game schedule moving back and hour, so the game times will be:
9am, 10:15am, 11:30am and 12:45pm.
We will NOT be in a big hurry to get the games in, so actual game times may vary.
We are working on the schedule this weekend and will post it here and email it to all players early this upcoming week!
We already have new and old players returning to MASHA because of our more centralized location now, so if you know anyone who might be interested in playing MASHA streethockey or if you haven't signed up yet, PLEASE drop me an email:
or give me a call: 404-713-7188 and we'll get you on a team!
The cost is still $100 per player which includes 10 game season, playoffs
and MASHA BASHA All Star Game
with Pizza and Beer!
Thanks for your continued support of
Thanks for your continued support of
MASHA streethockey!
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